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Gillen Wyant » Free Electronic Books and Research Sites

Free Electronic Books and Research Sites

This link takes you to all PreK-6 books from ABDO

(If you see the same book twice in this collection one will be a regular eBook and the other will be a read to me book.)


This link takes you to Abdo Zoom databases

If you are doing research on animals, biographies, or STEAM projects these would be great!


These are some books from Creative, Amicus, Black Rabbit, 12-Story and Jump 


This link gives you access to books from a number of different publishers from Big Timber Media. 

There are different bundles of books for various grade levels.


This link takes you to all Crabtree eBooks

Here is the username and password

Username: read

Password: free

Rosen is giving access to about 2000 of their books

To access the account, just go to and enter the username and password which is specific for each level.


K-2 collection

Username:  keeplearning_k-2

Password:   read


3-5 collection

Username:  keeplearning_3-5

Password:   read


This link takes you to all Grades 5-12 ABDO books for Middle and High Schools


These are some books from Creative, Amicus, Black Rabbit, 12-Story and Jump.  The books from Creative and 12-Story would be more on a middle school level.  The others are more elementary. 


This link gives you access to books from a number of different publishers from Big Timber Media. 

There are different bundles of books for various grade levels.


This link takes you to all Crabtree eBooks

Here is the username and password

Username: read

Password: free


Rosen is giving access to about 2000 of their books

To access the account, just go to and enter the username and password which is specific for each level.


6-8 collection

Username:  keeplearning_6-8

Password:  read


9-12 collection

Username:  keeplearning_9-12

Password:   read