The Official PASD App
The Punxsutawney Area School District is very excited to announce that we now have an official mobile app for our school district! It is available now on the App Store (Apple devices) and the Google Play Store (Android devices) and we invite students, staff, administrators, and parents/guardians to download it if interested! The app brings a lot of our district news, calendar events, announcements, and much more right to your mobile device!
Scroll down the page for more information to help you get started!

(PLEASE NOTE: The app DOES NOT replace our pre-existing text alert system. We will continue to use the same system we have been using in the past. IF YOU SIGNED UP FOR OUR TEXT ALERTS PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1, 2019, YOU DO NOT NEED TO RE-REGISTER THIS YEAR. We are not going to clear out the registration list as we have done in the past. You will continue to receive those text alerts. However, if you are new to our district or you have not registered for the text alerts before October 1, you will need to visit our homepage to complete the registration before you will receive those texts.) |
When you download and open the app for the first time, the onscreen menus will walk you through setting it up. Your mobile device will likely prompt you to ask if you would like to receive push notifications from the app--this choice is totally up to you. When we send out district text alerts, they will also be sent to all of our app users as push notifications (which will pop up on your mobile device even if you do not have the app open). If you choose not to set up this option, you can still check these messages from the "Notifications" button within the app.
In the initial setup phase, you can also choose to customize your app experience with content from the District, High School, Elementary School, a combination, or all three! (These can also be adjusted later from the "Settings" button within the app.) This will help the app sort some of the content that you receive when you tap "News," "Calendar," and some of the other buttons.
The PASD app brings a large variety of district and school content directly to your mobile device! From the app, you can:
access news items that get posted to the LATEST NEWS sections of our District, High School, and Elementary School homepages.
view calendar events that get posted to our District, High School, and Elementary School homepages. (You can also tap on a specific event and easily use the "Add to calendar" option to sync that specific event with your personal calendar on your device.)
access cafeteria menus, My School Account, and SchoolCafe items from the "Food Services" button.
access content from the Athletic Office's webpage when you click on the "Athletics" button.
access our district's social media profiles (Twitter, Youtube, and coming soon: Facebook)
access login screens for CSIU, Frontline, Staff Email, Employee Portal, Canvas, etc.