Our District » Flexible Instruction Day (FID)

Flexible Instruction Day (FID)

FID page
Welcome to the official PASD Flexible Instruction Day (FID) homepage!
Parents/Guardians and Students:
Please click on the appropriate link/button below to learn more about FID instruction for your specific school.  You may also want to read through the Frequently Asked Questions FAQ section at the bottom of this page.
PAES logo
elementary button
PAHS logo
high school
Q: What is a Flexible Instruction Day (FID)?
A: A Flexible Instruction Day (FID) may be used in the event of sever weather or other emergencies that would require closing our schools after all the district's built-in snow days have been used.  When the district declares a Flexible Instruction Day (FID), students will not report to school in person (similar to a traditional snow day).  However, on any given FID, students will be expected to complete assignments at home.  This work will be provided by their teachers through a variety of methods--Please click on the appropriate school icon/button at the top of this page to learn more specifics about the kind of assignments students will be asked to complete on a Flexible Instruction Day or when/how they can contact their teachers throughout the day if needed.  As a result, Flexible Instruction Days are able to be counted as a full day of school.  Also, extracurricular activities may still take place on a FID--please check our website's LATEST NEWS section for updates on these activities.    
Q: What time does school start for students on a Flexible Instruction Day (FID)?
A: If the district uses a Flexible Instruction Day (FID), there is no specific start time for students to be working on their assignments.  Students do not report to school in person on a Flexible Instruction Day.  Instead, school work will be completed asynchronously at home. This means that students do not need to log in or virtually attend their classes at a specific time during a Flexible Instruction Day (FID).  Work will be provided for students to complete at their own pace at home.  Please click on the appropriate school icon/button at the top of this page to learn more specifics about the kind of assignments students will be asked to complete on a Flexible Instruction Day or when/how they can contact their teachers throughout the day if needed.
Q: When will the district start using Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs)? 
A: For the 2024-25 school year, the Punxsutawney Area School District has two snow make-up days built into the school year calendar.  The first two snow days of the year will be covered by these built-in makeup days.  Beginning with the THIRD snow day of the school year, FIDs can be used in the district.
Q: How will I know that we have a Flexible Instruction Day?
A: In the event of a Flexible Instruction Day (FID), the district will announce it to the community through our traditional methods of communication--our school websites, PASD Facebook and Twitter, text alert system, local radio and television stations, etc.  We will also provide a link to our FID homepage in the LATEST NEWS section of our school websites on this days so that students and parents/guardians can easily access the directions for completing FID assignments.
Q: What if I don't have Internet or a device (iPad, Computer, etc.) at home?
A: We understand that our district covers a very large geographical area and not all of our students have regular access to reliable Internet.  We also realize that not every student in our district takes home a school-issued device to complete their work electronically.  Elementary Parents/Guardians have been provided with an opportunity to request paper packets for their student(s) if they wish.  (The deadline to request paper packets for elementary students is December 13.)  Students can also use a personal device at home to access FID assignments online if they prefer.  While most of our students in Grades 7-12 have a school iPad or laptop to take home each day, we acknowledge that Internet access can still be affected by availability and severe weather conditions.  As a result, our Flexible Instruction Day plan allows for students to have up to 3 school days to submit their work, providing extra time in case you encounter technological difficulties.  
Q: How will attendance be taken on Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs)?
A: As mentioned above, school work on a Flexible Instruction Day will be completed asynchronously at home.  As a result, students are not required to log in, sign in, or otherwise check in with their teacher(s) on a FID day for attendance purposes.  Instead, attendance on any given FID day will be recorded based on a student's completion and submission of their Flexible Instruction Day assignments.  For specific details, please click on the appropriate button at the top of this page to visit either the Elementary or High School FID website directly.   
Q: Will extracurricular activities still take place on a Flexible Instruction Day (FID)?
A: Extracurricular activities may still take place on a FID--please check our district website's LATEST NEWS section for updates on these activities.  We will do our best to post cancellations or changes there as they are reported.