Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy as we embrace another week of change and uncertainty. We appreciate your patience as we figure out how best to proceed to ensure that your child receives free and appropriate public education (FAPE) as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Due to the mandated school closure in response to COVID-19, the district is implementing an interim plan to provide review and enrichment activities via a combination of CANVAS, packets, phone calls, or Zoom meeting. Please know that your child’s participation is voluntary and all activities are optional.
In an effort to meet the needs of your child during this period of unprecedented school closure, a continuation of programming and services will be provided through various means of review and enrichment. Our regular education, special education and selected related service providers are available to assist. Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to their teachers through phone calls and e-mail if they have questions or need assistance completing the activities.
The interim plan is intended to remain in effect only during the period of school closure. The program and placement described in the IEP for your child will resume when the emergency closure ends.
At this time, the district will address all educational matters in a fair and equitable way. The health and safety of your family needs to remain priority.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Kate Shaffer at (814) 938-5151ext. 6522 or email [email protected], or Natalie Enslen at (814) 938-5151 ext. 6521 or email [email protected]
Together, we will get through this. Take care and stay well.
Kate Shaffer
Director of Special Education
Natalie Enslen
Supervisor of Special Education