Special Education » Medication Administration Policy

Medication Administration Policy

The control of medication in school is a very serious concern of the staff in the Punxsutawney Area School District. Physicians are encouraged to establish medication schedules so medication can be administered in the student's home before and after school.  

  When a child is required to have medication administered at school, the following steps must be taken:

  1. All long-term medication . . . requires written medical authorization from a physician.

  2. Generally, no over-the-counter medication. . . will be dispensed at school without written medical authorization from the doctor. However, parents of elementary students are welcome to administer such medications to their child during school hours. On the secondary level, arrangements can be made by calling and talking to the school nurse on a case by case basis.  

  3. All medications (long and short term), including refills, . . . are encouraged to be brought to school by the parent in an appropriately labeled pharmacy container. (Ask the pharmacist for an extra appropriately labeled bottle, so that one can be left at home and one at school.) The prescribed medicine is to be delivered to the school nurse, or whoever that building's designated person is that handles medications. All controlled substances such as Ritalin should be delivered to the school by the student's parent.  

  4. Most medications that are prescribed three times daily. . . may be given before school, after school, and at bedtime. Any questions should be directed to your school nurse.  

  5. Standing physician orders for p-r-n (as needed) emergency medication. . . are permitted. (For example: asthma inhalers, allergy medications, migraine medication.) They must also be accompanied by a written medical authorization form from the physician.  

  6. Parents wishing to consult with a nurse. . . on a specific student's concerns should contact either the LPN or the School Nurse responsible for the building. During the school day, the School Nurses can be located by an inquiry to the Elementary Office at 938-3063.  

Bell Township, Jenks Hill, Longview, Mapleview, Parkview, West End, SSCD, & PCS-HS
Ms. Kim DeChurch

Middle School -
Contact Mrs. Patty Schroeder at 938-5151, Ext. 2410

High School -
Contact Mrs. Ellen Overly at 938-5151 Ext. 1546