Special Education » Graduation: Now What?

Graduation: Now What?

Planning for Life After Graduation

As your child gets older, the IEP team will design a program to help your child prepare for life when your child is finished with school. This is called transition planning because planning is done through the IEP to facilitate the transition from school to the world of work or other activities in which the young adult may be involved.

By the time your child is 14, the IEP team must decide what kinds of courses your child will take. Examples include art courses, vocational courses or courses to prepare your child for higher education, which may include college.

Planning for the transition from school to adult living must begin when your child turns 16 or if the IEP team thinks early planning would be appropriate. The IEP team (including your child) must discuss what you and your child wants your child to be doing when high school is completed. These plans must include the kind of education or training your child will receive, the kind of job your child might have, where your child will live and how your child will spend time in the community.