Transportation » Transportation Changes

Transportation Changes


AM and PM Bus Stop Assignments

Bus stops are assigned according to the student's address that is on file.   If your student needs a bus stop other than what they are assigned, please contact the Transportation Office at [email protected] or 814-938-5151 ext. 1116.

Alternative Bus Stops

The Punxsutawney Area School District recognizes families in our district are faced with work, childcare and custody constraints, and for that reason, requests will be considered.   The Alternative Bus Stop Request Form needs filled out for this change. 

  • Please allow up to 2 business days for the request to take effect.  
  • The schedule must be fixed.
  • There must be available capacity on the bus that the alternate request is being made.
  • The alternate stop must be on an existing route. We will not alter the existing bus route to accommodate the request.

Bus drop off for students in Grades KDG - 3rd:

- Students in Grades KDG - 3rd MUST have an adult/older sibling present at the bus stop before they will be allowed off the bus. If there is no one at the stop for your student, the student will be returned to the elementary school. If you allow your KDG - 3rd grade student off the bus with an adult/older sibling, please fill out the Student Transportation Form down below and send it to your students school.  This paper MUST be on file with the Transportation Office before the student can be dropped off with an adult/older sibling being present.


  *PLEASE NOTE* - Bus Stops will continue to be evaluated each year and are subject to change at any time. Stops for Elementary Routes are different than stops for Secondary Routes.
- Daily bus passes will be allowed for existing bus stops on existing bus routes.