PASD Staff Online Training Center » Jason Foundation & IORAD Training

Jason Foundation & IORAD Training

Jason Foundation Training (2 hours)

  • This will complete your required 4 hours of Suicide Prevention Training (previously completed 2 hours at the beginning of the year)


  • When you complete your training(s), please save/take a screenshot of your certificate and turn it in to the correct Google Folder below so that we have it on record.  Please rename your certificate (or screenshot) as follows:  LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_JasonFoundationNov then drop it into the folder that best fits you (see links below).  If you have more than one certificate, please add either a 1 or a 2 after November in the file name so that they are named differently before you submit them. 


  • You will see subfolders that are organized alphabetically by last name--please submit your certificate to the appropriate subfolder.