PASD Pool » Pool Rules

Pool Rules

Swimming Pool Rules


  1. Do not approach Lifeguards while they are on duty. All questions should be directed to the Manager.
  2. The Lifeguard is the final Authority.
  3. Swim ONLY when a lifeguard is on duty. Obey Lifeguard at all times.
  4. All Swimmers must shower with soap to remove deodorant, hair gels, make-up and body lotions.
  5. Remove Band-Aids before entering the pool.
  6. Proper Swimming Attire must be worn always, i.e. Swimming Suits, Trunks, Board Shorts, Swim Shirts, Cover-ups, etc. Street clothes including cutoff jeans, loose fitting tank tops and baggy T-shirts present a hazard and are not permissible in the pool.
  7. Acceptable Language must be used at all times. Swearing will not be tolerated.
  8. Smoking is Prohibited on any part of the property, including the Parking Lot.
  9. Alcoholic Beverages are prohibited on all School Property.
  10. All Glass containers are prohibited.
  11. No food, GUM or drinks (except water) are allowed in the Natatorium.
  12. No Running anywhere in the Natatorium.
  13. No hanging or sitting on handrails
  14. No horse play, pushing, splashing, dunking, horseback riding, riding on shoulders,  or no throwing swimmers.
  15. Do not hang on “safety line” or “lane lines”
  16. Only Coast Guard approved lifejackets are allowed. No “arms swimmies”, No inflatable toys, No bathing suit inner tubes are permitted.
  17. Flotation Devices may not be worn on diving boards.
  18. Only one person on the diving board at a time.
  19. Swimmers must stay between the rope and the first 12’ marker while board is in use.
  20. No diving from the deck beyond the first 12’ marker when diving board are in use.
  21. Sure that the landing zone is clear before diving.
  22. Proper take-off only on diving boards. Users are not permitted multiple bounces and may only jump from a standing position. (No jump to seated bounces).
  23. Dive/Jump straight out from the diving board.
  24. After diving/jumping immediately swim to the ladder nearest the board.
  25. Dive at your own risk.
  26. Lap Lane are reserved for lap-swimming only.
  27. Children 4’ 06” and under MUST be accompanied by a responsible swimmer in the water Or wear a life jacket and have a parent in the Natatorium.
  28. Regular Diapers are not permitted in the pool. Swim Diapers MUST be used.
  29. The shallow end of the pool is for children, non-swimmers and caregivers. Those unable to swim should remain in this section of the pool and should not go beyond the shallow area.
  30. Swimmers must past a deep-water test to use the diving boards and to go beyond the shallow water area.
  31. Deep water swimmers must swim between the first 12’ marker and the safety line.
  32. During “breaks” all swimmers under 18 years of age must stay behind “green” shallow water line and handrails.
  33. Pool passes are to be used by pass-holder only. Violation of this rule will result in revocation of pool passes without refund.
  34. In the event of thunder or storms, all patrons will be asked to exit the pool for a period of 30 minutes. When thunder-free for 30 minutes, patrons will be allowed to re-enter the water. No refunds will be given in the case of inclement weather.
  35. Caregivers are expected to review the pool rules with their children. 

Any violation of rules could result in disciplinary action in the form of a reminder (warning), benching, or removal from the Natatorium. Though these are our policies as listed, we reserve the right to add to this list as deemed appropriate. If patrons are behaving in a reckless or inappropriate manner; we and the lifeguards reserve the right to restore the environment to a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. This includes, but is not limited to: persons being removed from the Natatorium, revocation of pool passes without refund, and/or permanent banning, and/or exclusion.