Welcome to my teacher website!
SUBJECT: English
My name is Michelle Hutton. This is my tenth year teaching English at Punxsutawney Area High School. I received my bachelor’s degree in English Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 2003 and am currently pursuing a master's degree in Literature at IUP.
English 9 is a potpourri of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. We read literature from a number of genres, time periods, and authors. We meet greats such as William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe for the first time and also are introduced to mythology. We write in modes including narrative, informative, and persuasive and also complete a literary analysis essay or two. We complete two book reports individually and two as a class for Romeo and Juliet and Flowers for Algernon (academic) or Where the Red Fern Grows (general). Doing homework is an important part of this class, and this website is an excellent resource for students to stay on track with assignments. Be sure to choose the correct class from the menu as assignments differ for academic and general.