Resources: Reading and Math Online Skill Games
We have put together some web sites that can be a fun way to review the skills being taught at school. Click on the words that are underlined and it will take you to the web site. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Letter Identification/Letter Sounds
ABC Order - choose which letter comes next
Clifford Sounds - Student will be given a sound and he/she will move the pictures that
begin with that sound.
p, d, b Mix-up - separate the lower case letters of p, d, & p
Construct A Word - create real cvc words
Phonics - works on short and long vowels, digraphs, blends, R-controlled vowels and more
Real Vs. Unreal - move cvc words into the correct area as to if it is a real word or make
believe word
Magic E - silent e phonic words
Starfall - practice individual phonic skills and then apply the skill to reading a story.
Comprehension Skills
Gamequarium - work on specific comprehension skills in game form: Authors Purpose,
compare and contrast, cause and effect, and etc
Passage/Questions - read a passage and answer questions about the passage. - This website has many different grammar, phonics and comprehension skills by grade level.
Writing Skills
Readwritethink - works on writing skills.
K-6 Reading Skills
Reading Skills - works on comprehension, spelling and vocabulary skills by grade level.
Spelling City - This website offers vocabulary, spelling and phonics skills.
Fish - count the number of fish
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic kindergarten
math skills.
First Grade
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic first grade
Second Grade
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic second grade
Third Grade
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic third grade
Fourth Grade
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic fourth grade
Fifth Grade
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic fifth grade
Sixth Grade
Various Math Skills - This site offers a variety of games that work on basic sixth grade
Various Skills
Subtraction - basic facts
Odd and Even - offers different levels
Place Value - offers different levels
Rounding - only to the nearest 10
Ordering Numbers - put numbers in order from least to greatest or greatest to least
Time - set the hands on the clock to what the digital clock says
Time - choose the correct time
Money Match - match the amount with the coins
Multiplication - basic facts
Fractions - match the fractions to the picture
Fractions - find the fraction for the part of the set
Overall Great Sites
Sheppards Software - both reading and Math
Khan Academy - A free site to sign up for Math and some Reading skills.
Splash Math - Sign up for free. Various Math skills by grade level are available.
Room Recess - Works on both Reading and Math skills.