Superintendent's Page » Weather-Related Closings/Cancellations Memo

Weather-Related Closings/Cancellations Memo



TO:                  FYI


FROM:             Dr. Thomas Lesniewski


SUBJECT:      School Closings


DATE:             October 4, 2023


Early Morning School Closing:


When it appears that weather conditions would make it unsafe or impossible to get the majority of our students to school, we will close school for the day. 


On days when transportation may be affected by the weather, the transportation director will review road conditions with our bus contractors and PennDot between 5:15 and 5:45 A.M.  If the roads appear to be unsafe for school bus travel, she will call and advise me of the situation.  A decision on closing school for the day will be made in time to notify designated radio and television stations prior to their 6:00 A.M. newscasts.  In the event of a delayed opening, specific instructions for reporting to school will also be announced on 6:00 A.M. newscasts and on Punxsy Schools TV Cable Channel 18.  We will also broadcast text alerts to individuals who have registered for SchoolMessenger.


Again this year, we will announce school closings on:

  • Punxsy Schools TV Cable Channel 18
  • PASD Website –
  • SchoolMessenger – Text Alerts
  • Twitter - @DrLesniewski or @PASDofficial
  • PASD App Notification
  • WPXZ - Radio (104.1 FM) – Punxsutawney [Punxsy Cable Channel 18]
  • WTAJ - TV (Channel 10) - Altoona
  • WJAC - TV ( Channel 6) – Johnstown; WWCP Fox 8; WATM ABC 23
  • WTAE – TV (Channel 189) – Pittsburgh
  • WIFT/WKFT - Radio (102.1 FM and 101.3 FM) – DuBois
  • WPQP/WPPQ - Radio (93.1 FM and 95.9 FM) - Clearfield
  • WDSN - Radio (106.5 FM) - DuBois
  • WMKX - Radio (105.5 FM) - Brookville
  • WFGY - Radio (98.1 FM) - Altoona



Evening Closing of Schools For the Next Day

The procedure to close school for the next day will be the same as above with a decision made in time for announcement on the 11:00 P.M. newscasts.



Early Dismissals:

Early dismissals will be handled as the need arises.  Decisions for early dismissal will be made no later than 11:00 A.M. with students leaving school either two (2) hours early or (3) hours early based on the weather conditions.  The same communication procedures will be used for this type of dismissal.



School Activities:

In the event of an early dismissal or cancellation of school for the day, all after school activities are also canceled unless specific authorization is granted by the superintendent or his designee.




The Punxsutawney Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its admission procedures, educational programs, activities, or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section 504.  For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Kate Shaffer (Title IX Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator) at District Administration Offices - Punxsutawney Area School District, 300 Center Street, Punxsutawney, PA  15767.  Telephone: (814) 938-5151, ext. 6520.


2 hour delay logo
school closed logo
Early Dismissal logo