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2020 Team Bios





NAME Aiden McLaughlin-Senior

  1. Date of Birth: 02/11/03
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Camping/hammocking. Riding my motorcycle. Being with friends fishing and eating.
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Metal shop
  4. Favorite book(s): The flash comic books. 
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  Fast and Furious. Longest yard. 
  6. Most memorable running moment: Making the corn game 
  7. Favorite place to run: Dirt road. 
  8. Favorite food or drink: Joes Drive In cheese burger. Crab legs. And root beer or tea. 
  9. Running makes me feel:  Accomplished  
  10. Best thing about running: Is you can look back at what you have done and think not many people have done that or just have a good time and get out of the house.
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Hot Days
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual?: Iā€™m left handed. Was born with a broken collarbone.





NAME Bryce Horne-Sophomore


1. Date of Birth: 02/16/2004
2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Yelling at kids and working out.
3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Gym
4. Favorite book(s): Holy Bible
5. Favorite Movie(s):  American Sniper 
6. Most memorable running moment: When I got lost in the woods. 
7. Favorite place to run: In the woods
8. Favorite food or drink: Chocolate Milk
9. Running makes me feel:  Fast 
10. Best thing about running: In the times you need it you can start running, like when you are getting chased...
11. Worst/least favorite part about running: My feet start to hurt
12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? My hair is naturally curly.




NAME Jaden Schidlmeier


1. Date of Birth: 9/26/2003
2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Building computers and riding my BMX bike.
3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Algebra 1, Geography, Biology, any English class
4. Favorite book(s): The Wrinkle In Time series
5. Favorite Movie(s):  The Princess Bride
6. Most memorable running moment: Getting lost on my first run without coach.
7. Favorite place to run: Around South Hills Village near Pittsburgh (the terrain is perfect for strength training and endurance).
8. Favorite food or drink: Limeade
9. Running makes me feel:  Accomplished, healthy, well-organized.
10. Best thing about running: Enjoying beautiful scenery that we for the most part never acknowledge. 
11. Worst/least favorite part about running: A hot, humid day.
12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? I was almost killed by a surfer on vacation once. I'm pretty sure my family doesn't even remember though!





NAME Michael Setree-Freshman


1. Date of Birth: 9/9/2005
2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Robotics and Tennis
3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Math
4. Favorite book(s): How Things Work
5. Favorite Movie(s):  Jurassic Park
6. Most memorable running moment: Running 7 miles with my grandma
7. Favorite place to run: Anywhere new (the terrain is perfect for strength training and endurance).
8. Favorite food or drink: Milkshakes
9. Running makes me feel:  Tired
10. Best thing about running: Athleticism 
11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Running daily/racing
12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? I summited a 14,000 ft mountain



NAME: Michael Clemmer-Sophomore

  1. Date of Birth: 10/12/2004
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Hanging out with friends, going bridge jumping, going on adventures, hammocking, riding my Honda
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Gym, History and sometimes Math
  4. Favorite book(s): None
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  The Patriot, The Fast and Furious movies
  6. Most memorable running moment: Finishing in the top 10 at a meet in Johnsonburg
  7. Favorite place to run: The woods or countryside
  8. Favorite food or drink: Bang energy drinks or Dr. Pepper and any kind of Sheetz food
  9. Running makes me feel: Free and adventurous
  10. Best thing about running: Being able to stay fit and hanging out with the team
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Running up long steep hills
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? That I'm adopted



NAME: Andrew Barnoff-Junior

  1. Date of Birth: 11/8/2003
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Bass guitar, basketball, hockey
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: English
  4. Favorite book(s): The Boxer
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  The Breakfast Club, Rocky IV
  6. Most memorable running moment: Winning the Varsity Extra Race at Districts
  7. Favorite place to run: Sewage treatment plant Rails to Trails area
  8. Favorite food or drink: Tacos
  9. Running makes me feel: Energetic, Motivated
  10. Best thing about running: Getting a runner's high
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: The side stitches
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? I play bass guitar



NAME: Cody Pifer-Freshman

  1. Date of Birth: 9/23/2005
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Music, hunting, fishing
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Math, Science
  4. Favorite book(s): The Stand
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  Gangs of New York
  6. Most memorable running moment: My first 5k
  7. Favorite place to run: My back yard
  8. Favorite food or drink: General Tso's
  9. Running makes me feel: Calm
  10. Best thing about running: Takes my mind off of everything
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: The side stitch
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? I can play saxophone and guitar



NAME: Ian Young-Junior

  1. Date of Birth: 6/8/2003
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Playing guitar and drums
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Shop Classes
  4. Favorite book(s): Not sure
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  All of the Lethal Weapon movies
  6. Most memorable running moment: I'm not sure that I have one
  7. Favorite place to run: Albion
  8. Favorite food or drink: Steak and Dr. Pepper
  9. Running makes me feel: Like I am accomplishing something
  10. Best thing about running: The feeling of accomplishment when you're done with a run.
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Muscle tightness
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? Not sure



NAME: Eric Surkala-Junior

  1. Date of Birth: 12/20/2003
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Hunting, fishing and mudding
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Shop Classes (metal, wood)
  4. Favorite book(s): For the past two years, still don't have one.
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  Unstoppable, The 33
  6. Most memorable running moment: Pulling a 1 through 5 at Brockway in 2018
  7. Favorite place to run: Shaded areas
  8. Favorite food or drink: Grilled chicken salads
  9. Running makes me feel: Mentally relaxing
  10. Best thing about running: Not feeling any pain at all
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Cool downs
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? My friends and I go hardcore when we see a Punch Bug car.


NAME: Aiden Cameron-Freshman

  1. Date of Birth: 5/1/2006
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Basketball, Baseball, Xbox
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Gym, Graphics, Spanish, Health
  4. Favorite book(s): The Maze Runner
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  The Hunger Games
  6. Most memorable running moment: Drinking chocolate milk at Rocky Grove Inv.
  7. Favorite place to run: Town
  8. Favorite food or drink: Sushi and Chocolate Milk
  9. Running makes me feel: Tired
  10. Best thing about running: I feel fast
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: It's tiring
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? I walk like a duck



NAME: Evan Mohney-Freshman

  1. Date of Birth: 12/13/05
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Playing video games, playing basketball, hanging out with friends
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: History, Gym
  4. Favorite book(s): None
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  Jurassic Park
  6. Most memorable running moment: Running my first race at the Big Valley Inv.
  7. Favorite place to run: Any off campus practice run
  8. Favorite food or drink: Arizona Peach flavored iced tea
  9. Running makes me feel: Good and like I'm free
  10. Best thing about running:
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: The feeling of sickness after a long, hard run on a hot day
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual?



NAME: Dan Lenze-Sophomore

  1. Date of Birth: 10/10/2004
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Climbing, biking, reading, playing video games, watching TV
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Math, History, Engineering, Graphics
  4. Favorite book(s): Eragon Inheritance Cycle
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  Peanuts The Movie
  6. Most memorable running moment: The time I placed first in my category at a 5k
  7. Favorite place to run: Mahoning Shadow Trail
  8. Favorite food or drink: Bob's Pizza
  9. Running makes me feel: Absolutely awful. But the runner's high and the sense of accomplishment after makes it worth it hands down.
  10. Best thing about running: When you finish and you think about what you did.
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: 1/3rd of the way into the run you're feeling the burn but you're not far enough to feel like you've done something.
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual? I was homeschooled until 6th grade.



NAME Evan Groce-Sophomore

  1. Date of Birth: 12/1/2004
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Hunting, fishing, riding 4 wheelers, kayaking
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Lunch
  4. Favorite book(s): None
  5. Favorite Movie(s):  All Star Wars, Dumb and Dumber, Jumanji, Stepbrothers
  6. Most memorable running moment: Running at Lock Haven in 7th grade against 6 foot runners
  7. Favorite place to run: The woods
  8. Favorite food or drink: Peach Snapple, Carmel Frappe, hoagies, popsicles
  9. Running makes me feel:  Great
  10. Best thing about running: Makes me feel good and keeps me in shape
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Competing and don't like the burn
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual?: I have chickens



NAME Isaac Greenblatt-Sophomore

  1. Date of Birth: 6/8/2004
  2. Hobbies/Interests (besides running): Collecting baseball and football cards
  3. Favorite Subject(s) in school: Gym
  4. Favorite book(s): None
  5. Favorite Movie(s): Anchorman 2
  6. Most memorable running moment: Beating Tyler my freshman year
  7. Favorite place to run: Anywhere off campus
  8. Favorite food or drink: Wings
  9. Running makes me feel:  Great
  10. Best thing about running:
  11. Worst/least favorite part about running: Muddy courses
  12. What is something hardly anyone knows about you that is surprising or unusual?: