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Second Grade Assessments

Second Grade:

Formative (Beginning and Middle of the Year): A formative assessment is a tool for evaluating student learning during teaching in order to gauge whether students are understanding the material at the time. It is a learning tool, not a final evaluation of mastery. Formative assessment helps instructors alter their approach to the concepts if students are struggling.


Beginning of Year

  • Star Reading and Math Diagnostic Assessments
  • Acadience Reading


Mid Year

  • Star Reading and Math Diagnostic Assessments
  • Acadience Reading

Summative (End of Year): They are used to determine if students have mastered specific competencies and to identify instructional areas that need additional attention. The goal of such summative assessments is to make a judgment of student competency – after an instructional phase is complete.

  • Star Reading and Math Diagnostic Assessments
  • Acadience Reading


Star Reading and Math:

Star Assessments are short diagnostic tests that provide teachers with learning data. Star tests are computer adaptive, which means they adjust to each answer your child provides. This helps teachers get the best data to help your child in the shortest amount of testing time (about one-third of the time other tests take).

Teachers analyze the data they get from Star Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help. Star Assessments are heavily researched and scientifically proven to help teachers guide each student on his or her unique path to mastery. By pinpointing exactly what your child knows, teachers can personalize your child’s practice to keep them growing.

       By: Renaissance